MathBits Main Page
Please direct questions to: Roberts@MathBits.com
Workshops: Mathematical Topics |
Examples of
workshops we have conducted.
Levels: Intermediate Math, Algebra,
Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Trig, Integrated Math, PreCalculus, and Calculus (including
AP). Workshops include the use of technology, graphing
calculators, and manipulatives.
- Resources for PreCalculus
- ReBranding Jr. Math, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
- NY Next Generation Math Changes
- Rounding up Common Core-Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
- Projecting Enthusiasm
- Using Interactive On-line Materials
- Energizing New
Math Curricula
The New Adventures
of the Old Algebra
The New Adventures
of the Old Geo.
The New Adventures
of Old Alg2 Trig
- Math and the Movies: Part 1, Part II
- Math From the
Stars: Star Trek and Star Wars (multimedia presentation)
Strategies for Motivating Skill
Development and Applied Learning in Subject Specific
Activities that will Energize Subject Specific
Utilizing the MathBitsNotebook Web Site
- Using
Geometer's Sketchpad 4.0
Strategies for Teaching Advanced Placement Calculus
Using Math Manipulatives
Using Spreadsheets in
Using QUIA in
Using the Internet to Teach
Secondary Mathematics
Using a Laptop in
Teaching Mathematics in Block
Teacher Training for
Applied CORD Mathematics 1, 2, 3
Workshops: Computer Programming |
Teaching Computer
Programming at the High School Level:
Java, Microsoft Visual C++, Turbo C++ for
Useful JavaScript for Educational Web Pages
Teaching Web Active High School Computer Science
Programming the
Graphing Calculator
Workshops: TI Graphing Calculators |
Examples of workshops we have conduced specifically for the Texas Instruments Graphing Calculators.
Included: specific
use of the graphing calculator, related peripherals, related software, and subject area applications.
- All levels of training
on the "how to" use of Graphing Calculators
TI-84+ family, 89
92+, Voyage 200, Nspire (CAS and non-CAS)
- Using GC
peripherals such as the CBL, CBL2, CBR,
and Keyboard
- Using GC Related
TI-Connect, TI-Interactive, SmartVIEW,
Nspire CAS/non-CAS software
- Using TI-84+ family with NYNG
- Using TI-Nspire with NYNG
- Using TI-84+ family with CCLS
- GC Activities (at various levels)
- Using GC APPS
- Integrating the Graphing Calculator into
Subject Specific Courses
- Classroom Activities for Using the Graphing
- Preparing Classroom Materials Using the GC,
Related Software and Peripherals.
- Classroom Activities for Using the CBL and CBR in
Subject Specific Courses.
- Building and Using a GC Robot
- Integrating TI-Interactive Software into the
- Integrating APPS for the GC in Subject Specific
- Applied Learning with the GC
- Using the CBL, CBR, and GC Robot in
PreCalclus and Calculus
- The Graphing Calculator as a Team Player - integrating GC, PowerPoint and Video Clips
- Programming the Calculator
Workshops: Educational Technology |
- Using the Internet to Teach Math
- Using QUIA in
Microsoft PowerPoint Software
PowerPoint in Mathematics
- Using Microsoft Front Page Software
- Using Adobe Dreamweaver Software
Developing Educational Web Pages
- Using
Geometer's Sketchpad 4.+
Using a Laptop in
Consulting: Examples of past
consulting projects are listed
below. |
Web Development: Examples of present and past web sites we worked on developing. |
Consulting Projects |
- Glencoe McGraw Hill Review Book Development, Mathematics
- NY State Education Department Curricula Development
"Secondary Mathematics: Key Idea Module Development"
- Southwestern Publishing Company Curricular Revision: Secondary (7-12)
- New York State Regents
Exam Prep Center Interactive Curricula and Tutorial
- Onondaga
Community College
New York Curricular
Design Evaluation - Secondary Mathematics
- NASA Curricula Evaluations Mathematics Curricular Standards Quilt
- National Science Foundation
Calculator Grant - State University College at
Oswego, NY
- NY
State Education Department Technology Grant Program, Recipient
Selection Process
- NASA Space Mathematics
Grant - State University College at Oswego, NYNASA Research Study for Mathematical Materials and
MathBits.com - Frederick and Donna
712 County Route 3, Fulton, New York 13069 (USA)
e-mail: Roberts@MathBits.com
fax: 315-593-1350 |
MathBits Main Page