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Factorials, Permutations, Combinations

To use these probability options, access the Math key.  Arrow to the right to find the PRB (probability) menu.
On this screen you will find:
              #2  nPr  permutation
              #3  nCr  combination
              #4  !  factorial


Each of these functions, requires that you enter a value FIRST and then access the function.  For example:

Permutations and Combinations are handled in the same manner:
                    Compute  6P3 and 5C2

Go to the HOME screen. 
Enter your first value (for this example, 6  or  5)
Hit the MATH key, arrow to the right to PRB.
Choose #2, nPr  or  #3 nCr
Enter your second value (for this example, 3  or  2)
Press Enter.


Factorial:       Compute  6!

Go to the HOME screen. 
Enter your value first (for this example, 6)
Hit the MATH key, arrow to the right to PRB.
Choose #4, !
Press Enter.



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