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             graphing calculator!
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Nice job! This is hidden Box #5!
Before you begin: Be sure the calculator is set to default mode, as shown at the right. Hit the MODE key and be sure all entries are highlighted on the left. If not, use your arrow keys to move to the left and press ENTER to highlight, as you arrow down the screen.

Now, answer the following 6 questions.
mode screen
Box 5 - Basic Graphing Skills:
Press y=. Which numbered choice shows the maximum number of functions that can be entered on this screen?
1) 7 2) 8 3) 9 4) 10




2. Enter 3x + 6 under Y1. Pressgraph. Press trace. Which numbered choice is the location of the blinking "spider" on the screen when trace is first hit?
1) on the x-axis 2) in quadrant I
3) on the y-axis 4) in quadrant II




3. Press Bordersix. Press window. Which numbered choice shows the maximum x-value seen on the graphing screen under a "ZStandard" zoom?
1) 5 2) 10 3) 15 4) 20





4. With Y1 = 2x + 6, enter -2x + 2 into Y2. Pressgraph. To find the intersection point of these two lines, press 2ndtrace, arrow down to #5. Move the spider near the intersection point and press enter three times. Which numbered choice is the intersection point?
1) (-1,4) 2) (4,-1) 3) (1,4) 4) (4,1)





Both equations in Y1 and Y2 are now "active", they both appear when graphed. Turn "off" the Y2 function by moving over the = sign and pressingenter.
5. Press graph. To find the exact point where this function crosses the x-axis, press 2ndtrace, choose #2. Move the spider to the left of the point, enter. Move the spider to the right of the point, enter. Press enter. Which numbered choice shows the coordinates of the location of the function crossing the x-axis?
1) (0,-2) 2) (-3,0) 3) (-4,0) 4) (-2,0)






CLEAR both entries in Y1 and Y2 before going to question #6.
6. "Intersection" can be used to solve equations such as 4x - 4 = 0.5x + 3. Type 4x - 4 into Y1, and 0.5x + 3 into Y2. Press graph. The solution to the equation will be the x-coordinate of the point where the lines intersect. Use the calculator's intersect option (as seen in question #4) to find the solution to the equation. Which numbered choice is the equation's solution?
1) x = 2 2) x = 4 3) x = -2 4) x = -4


Read carefully!!
Multiply 83 by the product of the first three answers. Add this result to 84 multiplied by the product of the last three answers. Place this answer in the address below (following the captial letters "GC"), and type the address into your browser to find the next hidden box.