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Transformation Investigations
(Students make their own pages working "From Scratch" worksheets.)
(Materials for use with Geometer's Sketchpad 4.0 or higher -- not GSP 3.0)
Investigate line reflections, point reflections, translations, dilations, rotations, and glide reflections. Theses worksheets include directions for students to develop their own GSP files. Investigative questions are also included on the sheets. These worksheets were developed using a computer screen size of 1024 x 768.
Title | Description | Representative Pic |
Line Reflections (2 pages) |
-directions for drawing and reflecting a triangle over the y-axis, x-axis, liney = x, and line y = -x. Investigations of coordinates, lengths of sides, measure of angles, and creation of formulas. | |
Point Reflections (2 pages) |
-directions for drawing and reflecting a triangle over a point (origin and off-origin). Investigations of coordinates, lengths of sides, measure of angles, quadrants, and creation of formula. | |
Translations (2 pages) |
-directions for drawing and translating a triangle (2 methods of translating discussed). Investigations of coordinates, lengths of sides, measure of angles, and creation of formula. Also an investigation of a translation as a series of reflections over parallel lines. | |
Dilations (2 pages) |
-directions for drawing and dilating a triangle with respect to the origin. Investigations of coordinates, lengths of sides, measure of angles, and creation of formula. Investigations include scale factors of 0.5, 2, and -0.5. | |
Rotations (2 pages) |
-directions for drawing and rotating a triangle with respect to the origin. Investigations of coordinates, lengths of sides, measure of angles, and creation of formula. Investigations include rotations of 90º, 180º, and 270º (additional angles can also be examined). | |
Glide Reflections (2 pages) |
-directions for drawing and glide-reflecting a triangle across a drawn line. Investigations of coordinates, lengths of sides, measure of angles, and creation of formula of composition. Investigations includes contemplation of a glide reflection as a composition of three other transformations. |
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