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Student Calculators

Prior to the New York State Regents Examinations (Math A and Math B),
calculators must be completely cleared (both RAM and Archived Memory).
Teachers should warn students ahead of time that clearing their calculators will
delete all of their programs (games).  Students should back up their calculators
to another calculator or to a computer if they are worried about losing their programs.

The easiest way to guarantee that all calculators are properly cleared is to utilize
an "application" (APP) prepared by Texas Instruments called
TestGuard.  This
program is extremely easy to use and can clear hundreds of calculators in minutes.

Check it out:


Using the TestGuard APP
(TestGuard resides under the APP key)

1.  Start  -  if you are linked to the student's calculator, this command will begin the memory clearing process.  The student's calculator does not even need to be turned on.  The student's calculator will show "Calculator Clear FRACTAL" (the chosen password) when the process is finished.    

     When finished, your calculator will show "Processing ... Done".  It will offer you the options "1: Again" or "2: Quit."  To clear the next student's calculator, link to the new calculator and press 1: Again. 

Before you arrive at your test site:
2.   Set Password - set the password to be used during the test.

Suggestion:  Change the password between Regents Examinations so that students will not KNOW the password and attempt to program their calculators to mimic the appropriate screen display.  Just remember that students cannot display small case letters, so look carefully at the screen if they tell you "my calculator has already been cleared."


3.  Setup - Choose MODE

                    Choose BOTH to clear everything.

Warnings:  This program may freeze a plain TI-83.  You may need to remove the batteries to reinstate the calculator.  This program will not work on a TI-86.


If you need to clear calculators manually, see directions under "Resetting the Calculator".  You will need to follow the directions at the bottom of the the chart for clearing ALL MEMORY.  This manual process will take decidedly longer, so plan ahead.

Finding Your Way Around TABLE of  CONTENTS