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box 3
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Way to Go!!
Box #3 is no longer a mystery.

Solve the following 3 problems:

The graph at the right shows a function, f, graphed on the domain 0 less equal x less equal 8.
The section from A to B is a straight segment.
The section from B to C is represented by y = (x - 5)².

graph split

1. Find the slope of the segment from A to B.

2. Find the x-coordinate of the relative minimum value of the graph from B to C.

Find the value of f (3) + f (4) + f (6) + f (7).


Read carefully!!
Find the sum of your answers multiplied by the square of 30.
Place this answer in the address below (following the capital letter "A") and type the address into your browser to find the next hidden box.

