Happy Holidays
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Level 3: Solve the following 5 problems:

The tale of nine ladies dancing:
During an upcoming stage performance, the nine ladies will be standing, sitting, and dancing on a variety of geometrically shaped stage risers. Help the stage manager with measurements on the risers. (Measurements are in feet.)
dancing ladies


1. Two of the risers are shown at the right. Find the length of the longest side of these triangular risers. cong1





2. Rope lighting is to be placed around the outer edge of these risers. Find the number of feet of rope lighting needed for both risers. tri4



3. The two risers at the right are equilateral triangles. Find the number of square feet of carpeting needed to cover both risers.
Round to the nearest square foot.





One of corner risers is shown at the right. Find the length of the shortest side of this riser.






5. One of the rectangular risers is shown at the right. The riser requires 360 sq.ft. of carpeting. Find the number of feet of rope lighting needed for the perimeter of the riser. ff3




This is the END of LEVEL 3:
Read carefully!!
Find one-half of the product of the first three answers. To this result add the sum of the last two answers.

1. To obtain your LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE: Place this answer in the address below (following the capital letters "HCERT"), and type the address into your browser to find the certificate.


2. To move on to LEVEL 4 Box 10: Place this answer in the address below (following the capital letter "H"), and type the address into your browser to find the next hidden box.
