Sample Fragments using the for loop

// Counting from 10 to 50 in increments (steps) of 5:

int x;

for ( x = 10; x <= 50; x = x + 5 )   
//**increment/decrement won't work here.
// x = x + 5 is same as x += 5
     System.out.println("Loop counter value is " +  x );


//Counting from 50 to10 backwards in increments of 5:

int x;

for ( x = 50; x >= 10; x = x - 5 )  
// x = x - 5 is same as x -=5
     System.out.println("Loop counter value is " + x);


// Declaring and assigning the startExpression within the for loop:

//Counting down from 10 to Blast Off

for ( int i = 10; i >= 1; i - - )    
// notice the int
     System.out.println( i );
System.out.println("Blast off!");


// Keeping track of a "total" of values using a for loop:

int total = 0;    // must be initialized before the loop (avoid "garbage")

for (int count = 5; count <= 10; count ++ )
     total += count;
System.out.println("The total is " + total);


// The body of the loop may contain statements that further check on data: 

for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 35; ctr++)   
// will address 35 children
     System.out.println("Enter the child's name: ");
hild = reply.nextLine();

     System.out.println("Enter the child's age: ");
     age = reply.nextInt();

     if ((age >= 6) && (age <= 7))
          System.out.println(child + " has Mr. Escalante for a teacher.");
           System.out.println(child + " does not have Mr. Escalante for a teacher.");
// Quits after 35 times.



// User determines length of for loop:

System.out.println("How many stars shall i print?");
int num = reply.nextInt();
System.out.println("OK! Here I go .... ");

for (i = 1; i <= num; i++)
     System.out.print( * + " ");


// Titles and for loops:

//print titles OUTSIDE the loop to prevent multiple copies of the title
//print even numbers from 1 to 20 with title

System.out.println("Even numbers from 1 to 20 ");
  //title is outside loop

for (int num = 2; num <= 20; num += 2)   
//notice startExpression
     System.out.print( num + " ") ;    
//prints the even numbers



// Using a Flag

//a "flag" is used to indicate that something happened within the program
//that will effect the rest of the program in some manner

int flag = 1;

System.out.println("Enter a name to be examined. ");
String name = reply.nextLine();

for (i = 0; i < name.length(); i++)   
//i represents indices of the String
     if (name.charAt(i) == 'e')
          flag = 0;
//flag is set if the letter "e" is encountered

// Use the flag
if (flag == 0)
     System.out.println("found an \"e\"");


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