Methods -- Style 4 
(does receive arguments, does return values)


Style 4: Our fourth style of method takes arguments AND returns a value.  

//Demo Program for Methods

public class method4test {
     public static void main(String[ ] args)  {

          int test1 = 12, test2 = 10;
          // notice in this next line the method named "min" is in a print statement
         System.out.println("The minimum of " + test1 + " and " + test2
                                                       + " is " + min(test1,test2) + ".");

     //Method to find minimum
     // This method needs to receive two integers and returns one integer.

     // Notice the names of the variables sent (test1, test2),
     // and the parameters receiving them (int x, int y) are not the same.

     public static int min(int x, int y)
          int minimum;  // local variable
          if (x < y)
                minimum = x;
                minimum = y;
          return (minimum);  // return value to main


The minimum of 12 and 10 is 10.

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